Saturday, August 22, 2009


A saint asked his disciples, 'Why do we shout in anger? Why do people shout at each other when they are upset?'

Disciples thought for a while, one of them said, 'Because we lose our calm, we shout for that.''
But, why to shout when the other person is just next to you?' asked the saint. 'Isn't it possible to speak to him or her with a soft voice? Why do you shout at a person when you're angry?'

Disciples gave some other answers but none satisfied the saint.
Finally he explained, 'When two people are angry at each other, their hearts distance a lot. To cover that distance they must shout to be able to hear each other. The angrier they are, the stronger they will have to shout to hear each other through that great distance.'

Then the saint asked, 'What happens when two people fall in love? They don't shout at each other but talk softly, why? Because their hearts are very close. The distance between them is very small...'

The saint continued, 'When they love each other even more, what happens? They do not speak, only whisper and they get even closer to each other in their love. Finally they even need not whisper, they only look at each other and that's all.
That is how close two people are when they love each other.'

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Happy ............ day!

Birthdays make us feel special, and anniversaries bring back the joy (or the sorrows) of our past. Parties are good fun to have, socialize and diversify.
But for this, why the need of some specific excuse which really serves as no better than a nomenclature of sorts. What of the rest of 364 days?
I have always been wondering, what is the importance of so called “special” days in our life? In fact I find myself in minority when I say all days are equal for me, I don’t want birthdays or anniversaries to be celebrated. Consider exchanging gifts on one day (anniversary) and brickbats most of the year. Celebrating a theme for a day and then forgetting it (or putting on reminder for next year) seems a show off, plastic and banal (retarded at times!). Each theme is for every day to enjoy, rather than to compartmentalise it to “those” days.
So enjoy every moment. And HappyEveryday!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Schizophrenia... Disorganised Thoughts

Given below is the actual account given by one of my patients. Please read till end to understand what gross problems he had in his thinking processes.

He was asked wether he knew Mahatma Gandhi, to which he told yes and described Him as follows....

The above speech sample demonstrates a type disorganisation of thought that is technically called by psychiatrists as 'loosening of associations'.

It is a pattern of spontaneous speech in which the ideas slip off the track onto another one which is clearly but obliquely related, or onto one which is completely unrelated. This pattern of speech is often characterized as sounding "disjointed.’ There is a slow, steady slippage, with no single derailment being particularly severe, so that the speaker gets farther and farther off the track with each derailment, without showing any awareness that his reply no longer has any connection with the question which was asked. This abnormality is often characterized by lack of cohesion between clauses and sentences and by unclear pronoun referents.
Termed simply... there is lack of cohesion leading to disintegration of core of self, and relationship to reality.

It is one of the impotant symptoms of illness called Schizophrenia, which has many other aspects like hallucinations and delusions, along with socio-occupational dysfunction.

The above person was diagnosed as suffering from Schizophrenia and showed good improvent with medications and occupational therapy. He is now back with his family and has started working at his brothers shop.

(Patients Identity witheld on ethical grounds)