Sunday, July 31, 2011

Adolescent Conflicts: How to deal with them?

This piece of information may be helpful for the parents and families where the children are approaching adolescence. Problems in these areas mostly lands the families in trouble.

The home should be a safe base
Adolescent children are exploring life, but need a base to come back to. Home should be the place where they feel safe, protected cared and will be taken seriously. A safe place is usually a peaceful one.

Mutual support
Parents need to agree between themselves about their basic values and rules, and be supportive and unambiguous in applying them.
It's difficult for a teenager to respect parents who are always at each other's throats or undermining each other. A common problem is for one parent to ally with their child against the other parent. This usually leads to constant family trouble.

Listening Really
Parents are a source of advice, sympathy and comfort, if they listen to the youngsters. A teenager needs to know that his or her parents will not automatically pass a judgement and criticise. They will be forthcoming with their problems, rather than raise a tantrum. Patient listening is important.

It is reasonable that parents should decide what the ground rules are. Whilst adolescents may protest, sensible rules can be the basis for security and agreement. They must be:
  •  Clear, so everybody knows where they stand.
  •  Where possible, they should be agreed with the children.
  •  Consistent, so everyone sticks to them.
  •  Reasonable.
  • Less restrictive as children become more responsible.
You can't (and shouldn't) have rules for everything. While some issues will not be negotiable, there should be room for bargaining on others.
Punishments, such as loss of pocket money, will only work if they are established in advance. Don't threaten these if you are not willing to carry them out.
Rewards for behaving well are just as important - probably more important, in fact.

In case of disagreements
Involve your children in making family rules - like all of us, they are more likely to stick to rules if they can see some logic to them and have helped to make them. If a teenager is reluctant to discuss rules for him or herself, they may still do this if they can see that it might be helpful for younger brothers or sisters.
A lot of things adolescents do may be irritating to parents (as parents probably irritate them), but not all are worth an argument. It's usually better to spend time on praising good decisions or behaviour. Many annoying habits will burn themselves out once parents stop reacting to them.
Don't compete with them
Adolescents are growing and gaining strengths, and having a lot of opportunities and may be very busy, making the parents feel older for the first time. At times jealousy can be the underlying reason for all sorts of arguments and trouble.

Physical punishment
Although it is now viewed as unhelpful, many people still occasionally smack younger children. It create’s the impression that violence is an acceptable way to solve difficulties. This means that they are more likely to grow up to use violence as adults. It can create a cycle of violence

Parents are the prime example

Although they are becoming more independent, the children will still learn a lot about how to behave from the parents. If you don't want them to swear, don't swear yourself. If you don't want them to get drunk, don't get drunk yourself. If you don't want them to be violent, don't use violence yourself. If you want them to be kind and generous to other people ….. try to be like this yourself. “Do as I say, not as I do” just won't work.

Thankless Teenagers

Don't worry if your children aren't as grateful as you' like. It's great if they are, but they may not be until they have children of their own and realise how demanding it can be.

When to seek help

  • Sometimes, all of this may not be enough and you (or your child) may be unable to cope. Worries about the physical changes of adolescence can be discussed with the family doctor
  • If there is violence in your family - parents hitting one another, children hitting each other, parents hitting children or children hitting parents - ask for help.
  • When problems arise at school, school refusal or decline in grades are there.
  • Psychological help may be needed if relationships are the issue.
  • Adolescents who experience turmoil or distress for more than a few months - persistent depression, anxiety, serious eating disorders or difficult behaviour - generally require professional help.
  • Specialist help can help the whole family.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Unravelling Adolescence Conflicts: Few Facts

The Growing Years
The teenage years can be a source of emotional trauma for whole of the family. A void can grow between parents and their children during adolescence. Why should many of the families land into trouble?
It's a time of rapid physical development and deep emotional changes. These are exciting, but can also be confusing and uncomfortable for child and parent alike.
The process of rapid physical changes in adolescence is called puberty. The hormone changes responsible actually begin some years earlier and may produce periods of moodiness and restlessness.
Besides rapid physical growth and these changes include
For girls: menstrual periods, breast development, growth of under-arm, body and pubic hair.
For boys: voice becoming deeper, growth of body and pubic hair, facial hair, erections and nocturnal emissions.
Teenagers may sleep more as growth and development uses a lot of energy
Parents become less important in their children's eyes as their life outside the family develops.
Parents often feel rejected, and in a sense they are. But this is often necessary for young people to develop their own identity. In spite of the differences and arguments the children will usually think a lot of the parents.

Behavioural Problems in Adolescence
Teenagers and their parents complain about each other's behaviour. Parents often feel they have lost any sort of control or influence over their child.
Adolescents want their parents to be clear and consistent about rules and boundaries, but at the same time may resent any restrictions on their growing freedom and ability to decide for themselves.
Young people can crave excitement in a way that most adults find difficult to understand - and exciting activities may be dangerous.
Disagreements are common and normal, but when to conserned? As a general rule, the chances of children being at risk of getting into trouble are more if their parents don't know where they are. So, try to keep a track of what the children want and where they are going to spend their time
School Refusal can be due to:
  1. difficulties in separating from parents
  2. being perfectionist, and becoming depressed because they can't do as well as they would want to disturbed family life, with early separation from or death of parent.
  3. an established pattern which may have started at primary school. Such children often have physical symptoms, such as headache or stomach-ache.
  4. Bullying can also cause all of the above. Most young people do not break the law, but those who do are usually boys. 
Many adolescents diet. Fortunately, few will develop serious eating disorders like anorexia or bulimia. However, these are more likely to occur in those who take up serious dieting, think very little of themselves, are under stress and who have been over-weight as a child.
Many teenagers experiment with alcohol and illegal drugs. Regular use of drugs or alcohol is much less common.
Adolescence has often been projected as bad time. However, the scenario is not as bad and most teenagers actually like their parents and feel that they get on well with them.
It is a time when the process of growing up can help people to make positive changes, and to put the problems of the past behind them.
It is not just a difficult stage, although it can feel very much like it at times. The anxiety experienced by parents is not one sided. Periods of uncertainty, turmoil and unhappiness are also experienced by the adolescent.
Difficult times come and go, but most adolescents don't develop serious problems. It's worth remembering this when things are difficult.
Parents may sometimes start to feel that they have failed. But still they continue to play a crucial part in their children's lives. Helping the children grow through adolescence can be profoundly satisfying.